Identity theft has become a growing problem over recent years and it is therefore important that workplaces do everything they can to help prevent this type of identity fraud from occurring.
Here are some ways that you can achieve this.
Passwords – make sure that your devices are password protected and that any software that you use to access customers details is also protected with a password and that the use of such software is monitored in terms of knowing who is accessing what and when.
Secure storage – if you have any paper copy items that contain personal details you should make sure that these are stored in a secure location that only relevant members of staff have access to.
Shredding – once you no longer have a need for hard copy data you should work with a Confidential paper shredding Bristol company such as to have the items removed and destroyed securely. This may also include destroying any hard drives or memory sticks that you do not use anymore.
Policies – ensure that you have a data protection policy and that all staff members know what it contains and what part they can play inĀ ensuring that customers data is kept safe and secure at all times. You should also explain in the policy what employees should do if they suspect that data has been lost, stolen or leaked.
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