Who said that decoration is only for girls? Decorating male bedrooms also deserve cool, personalized decor. A space decorated to your taste and needs, will make you enjoy them even more and be a little happier.
The decoration of a youth bedroom must take many things into account since it is a place that fulfills many functions at the same time: rest, work, recreation, and meeting with friends. Today we bring you many ideas and resources to make this place a very beautiful and functional space.
This is a widely used resource to create an interest only with paint, highlighting a corner of your room with a color that you like. You can follow these tips to choose the color that best suits you.
1. Create a focal wall
In men’s youth rooms, shades of blue and gray are widely used, as they give depth and style to space. If it’s a dark color, it’s best to paint the back wall of the room to make it visually lengthen.
2. Choose simple and functional furniture
In spaces that contain many functions, it is better to look for furniture that takes up as little space as possible and fulfills its function. Look for furniture in simple shapes to achieve a modern, masculine look in the room.
Here we can see how the desk is also transformed into a nightstand, making the most of that piece of furniture. In addition, shelves and storage spaces were added under the bed to take advantage of every corner.
3. Stand out with bedding
A very easy way to change the style of your room is to buy new bedding with different patterns. Keep a color palette and add lots of different patterns to create a cozy and classy bed.
4. Define a color palette
It is very important for a room to look unified, to maintain the same color palette in all the furniture. Choose base colors or materials like white and wood along with a highlight color for a very elegant effect.
In this case, all the furniture in the space was made in the same materials, keeping the color palette in all the decoration as well and using yellow in some details of the room.
5. Opt for the murals
A very simple way to generate the greatest visual impact in a teenage room is by creating a mural. Choose an image or theme that fits the personality of the space and apply it to the wall that you like the most.
It is recommended to highlight the wall behind the bed, as this is the most important element in a room. While this resource is a bit more expensive than paint, it will undoubtedly create a very interesting and unique visual effect.
6. Bet on textures on walls
If you prefer to create a multi-sensory space, look for textured wall plates. There are bricks, for example, that will give your room a vintage and interesting look. Choose a wall to stand out with this coating and decorate with style.
7. Create a gallery with objects
In addition to paintings, you can decorate your walls with different objects, like this gallery made up of vintage badges and posters. This type of decoration generates an industrial style, widely used in men’s rooms.
This resource is ideal to display your own collection for example, or to show your personal tastes and interests since you can put anything you like on the wall.
8. Add vinyl
If you want to add great style without compromising the wall, we recommend that you use vinyl, as they are easy to put on and take off. With the huge variety of wall decals on the market, you are sure to find one that suits your tastes.
9. Integrate the ceilings into the design
It does not generally occur to us to decorate the ceilings, but it is a trend that is on the rise and should not be overlooked. You can paint the ceiling in color, add wallpaper or even place vinyl. Any option is valid to integrate this surface into the decoration.
When decorating a ceiling, take into account the luminaires to also integrate them into the design. It is advisable not to use very dark colors if it is a low space, as it will visually shrink.
10. Use your hobby as decoration
Different themes are usually used to decorate youth rooms and what better way than to use your favorite hobby? You can integrate the different elements of the decoration into this theme, creating a unique and unrepeatable space.
In this case, music was used as the main theme, integrating into paintings, vinyl, and bedding. You can also decorate with the guitars on the wall, for example, while decorating and organizing.
11. Bet on original lighting
Being a youth room you can take risks, such as using original lights that you would not use in other spaces of the home. Look for posters or bright letters to create a space with cozy and stylish light.
Vintage style lettering as in the photo is widely used lately, as well as neon signs and garland lights. Choose the option that best suits your style and decorate with these original elements.
12. Take the details into account
Each element is important in the decoration of an environment, so you should think of the bedroom as a whole. Think of a theme and color palette to keep all the decoration integrated.
In this example we see the integration of several decoration ideas, which generate very beautiful and personalizing unique furniture to decorate space, maintaining the same color palette in all the elements.
13. Find unique furniture to decorate
In boy’s youth rooms you can look for unusual furniture to decorate. The best thing is to resort to vintage stores that will surely have several original pieces that will give that design detail to the room.
The best thing is that you find a piece that is both decorative and functional, like these metal lockers that transform into a great wardrobe. A piece that becomes the focus of the room and also works as a storage place
14. Opt for minimalism
Minimalism can also be used in masculine youth rooms, with the necessary furniture and decoration in white and shades of gray, you can achieve a very cozy space. This type of room allows you to later personalize yourself with small details and change your look completely.
In this example, we see how a prominent collage-style wall is built, which can change many times over time. On the other hand, this option is ideal if you have not yet decided what colors you would like for your room since they can be added later through decoration.
15. Generate a virtual separation
As it is a space with several functions, it is ideal if in the youth rooms some kind of separation can be generated between the rest and workspaces, for example. You can apply different resources to form a virtual separation that makes space feel divided into two.
The change in color on the wall and the different flooring make the spaces differ in a very marked way. A different treatment on the roof can also help, maximizing the effect.
16. Use lighting to your advantage
You can create a virtual separation also with the use of lighting. To create an atmosphere of relaxation in the part of the bed, use indirect lights. In the workspace, use direct light, preferably white, to optimize work.
The different lighting qualities will make the functions of each space perform better and help the spatial sensation.
Tags: color palette, Decorating Male Bedrooms, furniture to decorate, youth rooms
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