Lemons have countless benefits for both beauty and health. Small changes in our daily diet and beauty routine can bring immediate results and benefits to our quality of life. Today we talk about the diuretic benefits and for your lemon beauty.
We recommend that every day, better in the morning and in the morning, take a cup of warm water with the juice of half a lemon, this routine has numerous benefits to detoxify, lose weight, purify and also for the skin.
Improves digestion
This cup stimulates the gastrointestinal tract. Lemons are high in minerals and vitamins that help eliminate toxins and waste from the body. They will also help you to urinate more by removing toxins more quickly.
Equivalence your PH
Usually, the Western diets are usually acidic and it is important to add a food in our diet that helps balance the pH of our body. Lemon is an acidic fruit, but once it enters the body it has an alkaline effect.
Ideal for losing weight
Lemons are high in pectin, a fiber that helps control appetite. It has also been shown that people who have a more alkaline diet, lose weight more quickly. So if you are on a diet or want to lose weight this daily routine is ideal for you.
Stimulates the immune system
Lemons are rich in vitamin C and potassium. Vitamin C is ideal for fighting the flu, it is a wonderful natural antioxidant and potassium stimulates the brain, nerve functions and controls blood pressure. All this will help improve your immune system and be more resistant to colds and flu.
Hydrates the lymphatic system
A cup of water with lemon helps to hydrate the body. And is that when your body is dehydrated can not play all its functions, toxins accumulate, increases stress, constipation and more. Drinking water every day is essential for proper hydration of the body and for health and if you also add a little lemon much better.
For skin and blemishes
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that reduces wrinkles and pimples. The water with lemon expels the toxins from the blood generating a cleaner and healthier skin.
If you are one of those who tends to have spots on the skin, especially on the face, the lemon will help you to disguise or at least to discolor. To do this in the morning part a lemon and rub the half part on the part of the face where the spots are generated, usually the forehead and nose. Let it act for a quarter of an hour and then rinse. Then you can apply the moisturizer.
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