Mask-film with gelatin and activated charcoal will give the face a healthy radiant look. Of course, there are many masks that can be purchased at pharmacies and beauty shops. But it’s fair to say that during the preparation of a home cleansing mask, you can be sure of the benefits and dosage of its constituent components. Only the home mask contains natural useful ingredients. Store analogs are full of synthetics. Even collagen in professional masks is such a large particle that they are not able to penetrate into the pores for the most part. In turn, gelatin consists of split particles, which easily penetrate into the interior of the pores.
Recipe masks with gelatin and activated charcoal will not require much money and time. To prepare it you need:
- Activated charcoal – 1 tablet;
- Gelatin – 1 tablespoon;
- Milk or water – 1 tablespoon.
It should be taken into account that the milk contained in this mask also has its beneficial effect on the skin of the face. It nourishes it and slightly whitens it. The skin acquires a fresh, healthy, hydrated appearance. Therefore, if the milk is replaced with water, then the effectiveness of the mask will decrease slightly. Keep reading
In the process of preparing a mask with gelatin and activated charcoal from blackheads, it is necessary to perform simple actions consistently, but before that it’s recommended to check charcoal face mask review.
- A tablespoon of gelatin and the same amount of milk (or water) mixed. Let the gelatin dissolve and persist for several minutes;
- Crush 1 tablet activated into dust and add gelatin to the solution;
- Put the mixture for 15 seconds in a microwave or preheated in a water bath;
- Let the mask cool down just enough so that it can be applied to the skin of the face and proceed to the procedure.
Apparently, the mask recipe requires simple accessible ingredients, and the process of its preparation is very simple and fast. The use of such a cleansing mask will eliminate the need to visit cosmetology salons, which will save time and money.
Cleanse the face skin at least twice a day – in the morning and at bedtime. Simply washing with warm water or using the favorite skin care products suitable for its type. If circumstances do not allow such a procedure, it is important to have a cleansing lotion or napkins that will also help to cleanse the skin.
At least two times a week it is useful to cleanse the face with more active methods. Mask with gelatin and activated charcoal is an effective and convenient way to get rid of blackheads. Its testimony is due to the useful properties of activated charcoal, which he retains from natural wood during its preparation.
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