If you have an iPhone, chances are you’ve noticed that you can’t check for updates. You can see what the update is, but you can’t download it. This post explains why you can’t check for updates, and what you need
Things to consider when you start freelancing
If you have decided to become a freelancer, you have almost certainly got a few years of business experience already. Launching your freelancing business may take a while to get off the ground but it can be a very rewarding
What can go wrong with your mobile phone touch screen
The first mobile phones did not use touch screen technology. They were based on push-button tech with a simple monochrome screen. How we use our mobile phones changed completely when the ability to use touch screens came into use. It’s
How to fix downloading do not turn off target?
Imagine that you are using your Samsung Galaxy mobile or your Note quietly and, suddenly, the screen freezes. It turns blue or black and the Android logo appears with a message: “Downloading… Do not turn off-target”. Before you panic and
What are Hydraulic Power Packs?
What is a hydraulic power generator? In short, a hydraulic power generator is, essentially, a single unit of hydraulic booster drive for heavy machinery. They normally come in various shapes and sizes. Since most power generators function within a number
What is special in the PoE new league?
League of the year, Path of Exile’s release schedule is looking like Diablo 3’s current seasonal rotation set up. Do you know the PoE new league? While details are still scarce on 2.5.0 (which is currently in closed beta), we
How To Make A Boat In Minecraft?
There are different types of means of transport that serve us in the different terrains in the world of Minecraft. In this installment, we will talk about one of them, we refer to the Boat. If you want to know
Article on social media
This article is having a fairly good diffusion in Latin America (at the moment it has appeared on Calle50 in Venezuela, MateriaBiz in Argentina, and El Semanario de México), so it is time to leave it cited here like everything
How to Pair Sony Bluetooth Headphones
Wireless headphones are very dense in our lives, we use them on walks, at the gym, at the pool, and even at home. Wireless headphones have many advantages: portability, comfort, and the absence of extra cables. However, sometimes Bluetooth headphones
Best In-ear monitors
Taking control of your monitor mix in a live situation can be seen as a pretty bold move, but sometimes the best in-ear monitors (or IEMs, for their English name) are simply a must, especially if you’re looking for playing