The truth is that today, talking about online business is talking about practically any business activity. This must be interpreted as the increasing opening to new business opportunities in this channel, such as the ones listed below.
They are halfway between the world of entertainment and that of video games and many of those who profess it has been experiencing a considerable boom for some time. After the video game developers, the streamers are the main leg of an industry that does not stop growing, although more and more streamers are venturing into new content and achieving social notoriety that is difficult for an expert. Even more so now that innovative solutions have appeared on the market that allows them to monetize beyond advertising. The mega stars are so many and so well-known that it is not necessary to mention them.
3D Printing Business
There are two main factors that make additive manufacturing recommendable. The first is customization and the second is production on demand. With this technology, everything from houses and airplanes to dental prostheses, glasses, or screws is being manufactured. Its effectiveness in the first examples is not yet recommended, but it is encouraged for the manufacture of small parts or exclusive products, in addition, to the incorporation of new materials that are much more sustainable than those used in traditional manufacturing based on subtractive practices. the opportunities that open up are multiple.
Medical Therapies
The emergence of Covid-19 brought with it a paradigm shift in medical care. For the first time in history, the doctor-patient relationship has been altered by digitization and everything indicates that, to a greater or lesser degree, it will continue like this. Around this trend, numerous business opportunities arise for solutions that aim both at remote control of patients of all kinds and those that improve their user experience or facilitate the work of physicians in all specialties.
A Virtual Coworking
Bosco Soler is the founder of Sinoficina, a virtual coworking where a community of creatives, makers, and entrepreneurs come together to create, grow and learn together. It already includes hundreds of professionals with different profiles willing to pay a membership of 239 euros per year to be part of the community. In exchange, they share experiences, receive specific online training courses, access a series of services and tools, and join a networking network from which numerous synergies are generated. In fact, according to the website, more than 400 businesses have already been created in the community.
Online Translator
At a time when more content than ever is being generated and when more and more businesses with a global vocation have to adapt their messages to the culture and language of the target markets, many doors seem to be opening for the translator’s job. Its professionals, very used to listing in the Self-Employed Regime, can either offer the service on their own, join a translation company or set up their own project, taking advantage of the fact that it is a sector on the rise.
Following this trend, there are already notable solutions in Spain that offer fast and cheap online translation services. Among many others, we can mentionBlarlo, an international translation agency that works with thousands of native translators of 128 nationalities or Gear Translations, with a focus on highly specialized technical translations in industrial sectors.
Creation of Info products
Here too the range of possibilities is wide. Although the info product concept encompasses any type of digital product, such as the creation of a blog or a self-published book, online courses that sell a guided transformation of any kind, step by step, and in the shortest possible time, proliferate in this area. . They have become popular in the business world because they connect especially well with the audience, they have a great reach and, as they do not have associated logistical costs, they allow enormous scalability of profits.
Create a Podcast
According to some statistics, 47.1% of Spaniards already consume podcast content in such a way that, little by little, it is gaining ground over conventional radio stations. Some people praise the ability of podcasts to deliver their messages to their potential customers in a direct, segmented, and flexible way since they allow their consumption where, when, and how users want. This would have made them a key tool in voice marketing strategies, also in continuous growth.
Cryptocurrency Miner
It was already said in another article published on this website that, today, dedicating yourself to bitcoin mining is not profitable if it is done privately, given the existence of gigantic bitcoin mining farms that are distributed in areas such as Iceland, China, or Texas (USA). However, every time the value of some of the most popular crypto assets rises, there is a kind of euphoria among people interested in mining since the payment method is usually also in cryptocurrencies.
If the operating cost of the device used in mining, the time invested, and the electricity consumed is less than the value of the cryptocurrency of payment, then the money is earned. If you take into account the current price of electricity in our country and the cost of computer equipment that meets the necessary computational capacity, it will be necessary to make quite a few numbers.
What, broadly speaking, defines a copywriter is that the object of his writing is nothing more than selling something. If the content adds value, great, but the purpose of writing is not so much to entertain or enrich people’s intellect as persuasion. A success story is found in Isra Bravo, head ofMotivantewho openly acknowledges writing “because I like to earn money”. Her formula is based on the email marketing that she sends every day to a list of subscribers, a practice that generates, according to what she told Entrepreneurs, a daily income of more than 1,000 on average. MaiderTomasenahas also made a name for herself in this field, although more as a trainer.
Tags: 3D Printing Business, Business, business ideas, online business, Streamer
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