Since the dawn of time, humans have been keen to decorate their homes in the best way possible. For the ancient cave people, it was the cave paintings. These were decorative artistic representations of prehistoric life and now serve as evidence of what they experienced to survive. As we left the caves, we started. To think about how wood could be the best option for building materials. This led to roundhouses and then the classic wattle and daub design that was the mainstay of most people’s living spaces. However, two civilisations understood the need for strong and suitable building materials. The Greeks and then the Romans began to use a hard yet shiny stone known as marble to start building their homes, marketplaces and public buildings.
It’s this love of marble that has led to the introduction of Marble Tiles, like those from These are easily cleaned and easy to replace thin slices of marble that can be attached to walls or, better still, floors. This is the best way to make an office or home space look polished and exclusive.
The Greeks and Romans were keen to show that they were educated people who weren’t prepared to live in wood and mud huts. They wanted to show the world that theirs was the best way to live. It’s reflected in their buildings with lots of columns supporting high ceilings. It so impressed the Victorians they ended up copying them.
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