Staff wellbeing is incredibly important for any business and particularly in today’s society where more and more people are struggling with mental health issues. Some of these issues are caused my mounting pressures on people’s time and an increase in the amount of stress that we are feeling in our everyday lives.
- Creating a working environment where potential work-related stressors as far as practicable are avoided or minimised by good management practices. This includes having a good procedure in place for supporting staff members who have particularly stressful job roles or who are working in high target driven environments.
- Increasing managers’ and employees’ awareness of the causes and effects of stress. This can mean that managers pick up on staff members who are displaying signs of stress before it becomes a full problem for both the staff member and the company.
- Developing a culture that is open and supportive of people experiencing stress or other forms of mental ill-health. This may mean developing areas of the office that are conducive to relaxation and allow for staff members to have some down time. Creating an area perhaps with comfortable seating and perhaps a television that people can watch during their break times to enable them to step out of work mode for a short period of time. If you need help with TV aerial installation Swansea then can help you.
- Developing the competence of managers through the Knowledge, Skills and Behaviours framework, so that they manage staff effectively and fairly. This means that the right people are in the right jobs with the right skills so that people feel stretched in their jobs but don’t feel like they are completely out of their depths.
- Engaging with staff to create constructive and effective working partnerships. This allows staff to feel like they can talk to colleagues and other staff members to be able to ensure that targets within the business are met and they also feel like they have other people they can talk to about any potential work issues.
- Establishing working arrangements whereby employees feel they are able to maintain an appropriate work life balance.
- Encouraging staff to take responsibility for their own health and well-being through effective health promotion programmes and initiatives.
- Encouraging staff to take responsibility for their own work and effectiveness as a means of reducing their own stress and that of their colleagues. Time management is a good way to tackle this issue and can help people alleviate some of the pressures on their time both in and out of work.
If we all create an environment for people to feel like they can talk about how they are feeling then people become more productive and businesses will ultimately benefit.
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