Spending money wisely is important if you don’t have a whole lot of disposable income. If you make a habit of wasting money in college, rather than finding ways to save, you may be in debt before you start working. College students waste money in many common ways. It is possible to avoid these, and you’ll be better off in the long run.
1. Spending Top Dollar on New Textbooks
Every college student faces the expenses of buying textbooks for each class. You usually don’t need the newest version of that psychology or English book. For the most part, these facts don’t change. Save by renting a textbook or buying an older one. Many publishers also release digital versions of books at much lower prices.
Search around your school for a rental program. A local bookstore might have one as well, or you can check the Internet for textbook exchanges. If you’re looking for a place to buy, be sure to compare prices while you’re shopping. A deal can crop up anywhere.
2. Too Much Eating Out
Even if you’re looking to earn an online MBA with no GMAT, you need food to fuel your mind and body. Students aren’t often adept at cooking. You might be tempted to order $10 takeout every night, or hit up the local fast food joint for lunch. It adds up from week to week. College students often spend on food that’s not the healthiest, but you could save if you buy some groceries and cook up meals with the ingredients.
3. Overspending on Technology
A laptop is a college student’s best friend. It does not, however, need to be a top-of-the-line machine that costs thousands of dollars. There are many students who spend this kind of money when they don’t have to. Rather than do that, look for deals, comparison shop, and see where your student ID can be used.
4. Seeking High-Priced Entertainment
To make the most out of your UC Santa Barbara experience, you can’t just study all the time. You want to explore the local culture. However, that does not mean spending all your savings. Events and clubs on campus can offer opportunities to enjoy life and not spend much. Free movie screenings on campus are a great way to save and mingle with peers, or you can stream television programs for less than traditional cable.
5. Wasting Tuition Funds
The value of your college experience can be maximized by attending all your classes, using all resources available on campus, and joining clubs. Take courses that interest you and that apply to your major or subject of interest. Your money won’t be wasted if you take school seriously, spend wisely, and take advantage of any deals you can find.
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