Condensation is a problem that many people face in their homes. The good news is that it means your double-glazed windows are working as they should. The bad news is that it can indicate a problem of excessive moisture in your home or damage your window frames. Condensation is the conversion of water vapour into liquid when it comes into contact with a cold surface.
Why does it appear on double-glazed windows?
Double glazing works by preventing heat from moving from one side of the glass to the other, so the heat stays inside your home. It creates a vacuum between the two sheets of glass. However, the difference in heat between the inside sheet and the outer sheet creates the right conditions for condensation.
In addition to your central heating causing condensation, other activities, such as cooking, drying clothes and taking a bath or shower also release warm moisture into the air. When it comes into contact with a colder surface, like a window or mirror, it quickly cools down and turns into liquid droplets.
How is it a problem?
If it is not dealt with immediately by improving ventilation by using extractor fans or opening windows for at least 20 minutes a day, it can cause black mould to appear around the windows or on the walls. This can cause health issues such as breathing difficulties.
How can I stop it?
If the problem does not go away, you might consider investing in new double glazing in Cheltenham because newer double-glazed windows can do their job more efficiently than older ones. A firm such as can advise on styles and solutions for your home. If you notice water vapour between the panes, the window has sprung a leak and allowed the vapour to creep in. The inert gases inside double-glazed windows contribute enormously to their ability to contain heat, so if yours are leaking, it is probably time to replace them.
Prevention is better than cure when it comes to condensation, so it is worth investing wisely in ventilation, insulation and windows to prevent it from building up. You can also check your home insulation to make sure it is up to scratch as another step toward eliminating condensation.
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