Never underestimate the importance of a great website – it is the most fundamental part of your digital marketing effort, and time spent improving the user experience is never time wasted. If a full-scale redesign is not on the cards right now, here are five things to think about that could quickly improve the performance of your website in the eyes of your customers.
1. Add White Space
White space is not wasted space. On the contrary, it is an essential part of good web design. It can dramatically increase user attention by drawing the eye to your key messages and make the content more legible. Use it wisely and you will make your site feel fresh, open and modern while still keeping enough content above the fold.
2. Use Plenty of Bullets
Bullets let your customers quickly and easily navigate to the information they are looking for. This will make your website much more attractive and pleasurable to use and keep customers coming back. Get creative with the symbols you use by thinking about images that represent your brand and values.
3. Choose Written Headings Carefully
Remember that search engines generally attach more weight to headings than to other content, so choose carefully and include keywords to make sure you are reaching the right audience. More importantly, the right wording will guide your customers effortlessly around your site and make it fell easy and intuitive for them to use. Make the design of your headings stand out with the use of colour and font, and keep them looking consistent throughout.
4. Page Speed
Users will quickly get frustrated if your pages are slow to load – particularly now demand for accessing information ‘on the go’ is so huge. A delay of as little of two seconds results in an abandonment rate of nearly 90%! If you think you might need a partial or complete redesign of your website to address this, you might consider contacting a WordPress or Drupal design agency, such as, or alternatively there is plenty of information online.
5. Check Your 404 Errors
An obvious point, but 404 errors are seriously irritating to users and will send them looking elsewhere very quickly. Check regularly for 404 and crawl errors and get your links fixed.
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