What Science Sets Us by 2022 According to IBM. IBM has published its 5 in 5 annual reports, which will reveal the 5 major innovations of the next 5 years. So what does the future hold for us?
Bringing out the invisible will be the mission of the innovations that will change our lives over the next 5 years according to the forecasts published by IBM at the beginning of 2017. Big data, artificial intelligence (AI), photonics of a leitmotiv: that nothing escapes us.
1. The Earth passes to the “microscope”
Do you know the Internet of objects? After digitizing all kinds of virtual information, the physical world turns to the web. Demotics, connected objects, any object can collect networked data.
Over the next five years, according to IBM, the algorithms processing these data will have evolved so much that they can help us make decisions about agriculture or the management of natural resources. This process is called “Microscope”, a tool that helps us to understand the complexity of the world around us from the individual data that is being networked.
2. Hyper vision, increased capabilities
In five years, if we believe IBM, the visual powers of Superman will be within everyone’s reach. See through the fog or rain will be possible thanks to the sensors embedded in our glasses, our cars or our smartphones. We could, in one picture, detect fraudulent checks or know the nutritional value of our plate.
These forecasts are based on the progress of “hyper imaging” linking IA and new imaging devices, combining several bands of the electromagnetic spectrum and allowing us to go beyond our visual capability.
3. Micro-laboratories contained in a chip
Nano-chips could be used as personal laboratories in the service of our health. They would bring together the many devices that are currently used for our examinations, which can be detected by a drop of body fluid to detect any abnormality. Coupled with an AI, they would be able to tell us when to see a doctor or tell us some warning signs of illness.
4. Light on leakage of pollutants
Photonic technology, based on the transmission of information by light, pipelines, petroleum, gas or other sensitive storage facilities could be equipped with sensors to detect in a few minutes the slightest leakage of pollutants, compared to a few weeks Currently for gas leaks.
5. A Mind on Tune
An embedded AI, for example, in our smartphones, would be able to detect in our writings or our way of expressing the premises of mental disorders like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, depression or post-traumatic stress. Psychiatric interviews have already succeeded, analyzed by IBM researchers, to detect signs of psychosis in only 300 words (a little less than the length of this article).
Tags: Hyper vision, innovations, microscope, Photonic technology
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