Solar panels are usually an effective and reliable way to generate electricity, but problems can develop. Being aware of these potential issues allows you to be prepared to institute a solution.
Inverter Problems
Your first step with the most common issue, an inverter problem, is to check the trip switch, which may have been tripped by a power cut or lightning strike. Problems also occur if cables are disconnected or severed, or if the rotary isolator is turned off.
If you have a visible error code, check your manual for instructions. Otherwise, the manufacturer or installer may help identify the problem or provide a new inverter.
Electrical Problems
General wear and tear can interfere with wiring and electrical connections, especially if wires are improperly secured. This is why it is important to ensure you only use experienced and professional solar panel installers Nailsea, such as those at, to avoid poor installation.
Subsequent renovations and electrical works can also cause disruption. Only professionals, such as electricians or your original installer, should deal with electrical problems.
Isolator Problems
A problem with one of the two isolators should result in a definable code on your inverter, and you should follow the stated shutdown procedure or flip the breaker switch. Possible causes include burnout, loose connections or the buildup of moisture. Again, this should be investigated by a professional installer or electrician.
Birds and Animals
Unless you fit modern, roof-integrated panels that are flush to the surface, solar panels have gaps that provide tempting sites for nesting birds, which can cause a fire hazard.
It is easier to think about protection against animals before installation rather than trying to retrofit. As this involves ladders and/or scaffolding, specialist materials and knowledge of how not to damage the panel, it may be better to leave it to a professional. Even if you do manage to deter birds, squirrels may still cause interference.
Most solar panels will continue to work effectively for many years. In the rare cases where a problem does develop, it often helps to seek professional advice.
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