What exactly does “beach ready” mean? We’ve all heard of the typical “beach body”, which basically refers to being considered toned enough for the beach. This is not what we will be discussing in this post, however. Instead, we will be looking into the little details of summer life that we need to prepare for. What happens when our suntan lotion suddenly decides to drip off our faces? Below we will go over some of the best ways to prepare for the beach and festivals this summer:
Protect Your Head
There’s not much you can do about the blistering heat. However, you can protect yourself to a large extent by wearing a hat. For extremely hot climates where the sun is constantly beaming down this can be literally a life saver, by helping avoid the dreaded sun stroke, (Not to mention they look cool, pardon the pun) by keeping the sun off your head.
Bring your trusted pair of jeans to the beach or to a festival. It’s handy to have a pair available in case the temperature drops if you get carried away and the evening sets in. There is of course nothing worse than standing in a wet muddy puddle just wearing shorts and sandals whilst listening to your favourite music group at a festival – so make sure to be prepared for all weather changes.
Stay Hydrated
It can be easy to let yourself get a bit dehydrated in warmer climates. You end up losing a lot of water through sweat, and if you are not replenishing that water, you will become dehydrated. According to the NHS, the most common symptoms of dehydration include dizziness, light-headedness, tiredness, headache, dry mouth, dry lips, dry eyes and passing only a few amounts of urine in the day. To avoid this problem, make sure that you are drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated; of course if you are experiencing these problems at an event, be assured there will be professional staff from Event Medical Hire companies such as https://outdoormedicalsolutions.co.uk/ to assist you if you’re feeling unwell.
Protect your skin from the sun with help from a strong SPF sun cream. The most common areas of the body to experience sunburn include the arms, shoulders, legs and feet. It is also important to shield your scalp when you can.
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