In great news for children near Roe Lee Park in Blackburn, the council have just announced they are funding a £60,000 refurbishment of the children’s play area. Blackburn with Derwen Council worked alongside the Friends of Roe Lee Park group to move the project, which will see the removal of old equipment and the installation of replacements.
The park, which is more than 30 years old, had been well used and was in need of repair and replacement. It had also attracted acts of vandalism including damage to the equipment.
Plans for Improvement
Plans for the play area include new climbing frames for infants and juniors, swings for both age groups and additional basket swings. A poured rubber floor will offer a safe environment for children to explore the see-saw and rotating saucer.
Construction, which is expected to start in June, will take about two weeks to complete. Jason Walker, Chairman of the Friends group, said it was a big move forward that would “benefit everyone, and encourage youngsters to play outside more.” He noted that the timing of the project meant the park would be ready for the summer holidays.
The Importance of Play
As Mr Walker noted, physical play is very important to children’s healthy development. Voice of Play, an initiative by the International Play Equipment Manufacturers, notes that physical play is necessary to keep kids fit and healthy, allowing them to build strength and improve their motor skills.
If you’re not fortunate enough to live near a park like Roe Lee, you could consider having your own wooden climbing frames; the right purchase lasts for years and a reliable supplier like will help you find the right piece of equipment.
Funding Problems
Unfortunately, cuts from the central government are affecting the repairs that local councils can make to public parks and play spaces. The Roe Lee Park improvements have been funded by local development section 106 funding. Mr Walker said that he hoped the improvements would, “attract families and children to the park to enjoy the new equipment, to play and have fun.”
Following more than a year’s work from council officers, local councillors and the Friends group, the project will make a real difference to local youngsters, who will get many years of benefit from the improved facility.
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