The length of pregnancy is typically calculated as two computation time, or in months or weeks. The calculation is done in weeks from the day he came the last period, which unlike the calculation in months, is taken as a starting point the day of conception and therefore it is good to know to use a pregnancy calculator.
Usually, in conversations with family and friends, especially if the woman has not yet been a mother, we will talk about months of gestation. However, within the obstetric context, the calculation is often used in weeks. It is very important to know the weeks of pregnancy, thus, the pregnant woman will be able to follow the development of her baby, which understands the changes that your body suffers. Being informed week after week about how your baby grows will give you a lot of satisfaction.

It is fascinating to see how a life grows within you! It will also comfort you in those moments that are not so pleasant, such as morning sickness and other symptoms.
Why do doctors calculate in weeks?
The reason doctors calculate in weeks is very simple, and is that it is much more accurate than calculating it in months. While all weeks have 7 days, not every month has the same weeks or even days. The accuracy of the calculation in weeks is essential both for monitoring the evolution of pregnancy and that of the fetus, which develops rapidly day by day in the womb.
In only 7 days it changes in an amazing way, so that the gestational age for the purposes of medical examinations, treatments, ultrasounds etc., is measured in weeks. If there is any disagreement between the time of gestation and the development of the fetus, doctors are alerted to a possible anomaly. It is for this reason that the precision is in the weeks and not in the months of pregnancy.
Why do doctors talk about 40 weeks?

If we consider that a month is four weeks, then according to obstetricians a pregnancy would last ten months, which is totally true with a dilemma and is the fact that not every month have four weeks. Some months have five weeks, so according to the calendars, gestation is closer to 9 months than 10. For this reason, the calculation in months in more imprecise and gynecologists and midwives prefer to count the weeks of amenorrhea as Time reference to determine if fetal growth is correct.
Calculator week by week of pregnancy
Why is it counted from the first day of the last period and not from the day of conception?
It is much more accurate to speak of the date of the last period than to speak of the date of conception, basically because it is almost impossible to know when exactly the conception occurred. Even knowing the specific day in which sexual intercourse was maintained, the spermatozoon may take a few days to fertilize the egg. However, virtually all women know the day of their last menstruation, especially if they are looking for a pregnancy. For this reason, it is much more rigorous and simple to speak of weeks of amenorrhea (weeks without the period) than months of pregnancy, more than anything for the medical follow-up of the same.
The difference in both calculations is usually a week or two. The explanation for this is that generally and although it depends on each woman, the conception usually occurs about two weeks after the period, during the ovulation process. This time interval between one calculation and another causes a mismatch of accounts.
How to calculate the weeks of pregnancy?

Very easy. Obstetricians always count from the first day of the last period. Knowing exactly when the conception occurred is very difficult, but the date of the last rule is easy to identify, so it is not really talked about weeks of pregnancy, but weeks of amenorrhea, which means that what is Count is the absence of rule weeks.
For people who are totally foreign to medical terminology and accustomed to counting the pregnancy in months, hearing the count in weeks may be confusing, but you will get used to it in medical examinations. If x weeks have passed and some days more is indicated by adding a + and the corresponding days. For example, if the date of the last rule was 3 of July and we are to 8 of August, the gestational age is 4 weeks + 5.
As you see, calculate the weeks of pregnancy is very easy and has a very coherent explanation. The development of a fetus is measured in weeks, since these have always the same days, while the months vary both in weeks and days. If you are calculating your pregnancy weeks congratulations! That means you are giving life to another being. Once you know exactly how many weeks and days you have you can read each week of your baby ‘s development through our website and your calculator to know the times of pregnancy
It will be really exciting to know how to grow and develop day after day a little person inside you. See the changes also take place in your body, your emotions and your life as you go along your pregnancy.
Tags: calculate, doctors, Evolution, Pregnancy, Weeks
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