If your diet lacking in fruits, vegetables and beans, leftover burgers and red meat and want to once and forever eat healthier, we propose an option: sign up flexitarian diet.
What is the flexitarian diet?
Although its name resembles “vegetarian diet” and flexitarian diet has its similarities to it, it is a more flexible option. The flexitarian diet would be like a Flexible vegetarian diet.
Eating more plant foods, but not completely eliminate meat from the diet, we can carry out the flexitarian diet that encourages us to eat more healthy foods that may be absent or very little in our diet and reduce foods that do not They are required in large quantities such as red meats.

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Although it is possible to consume red meat, flexitarians frequently choose fish as source of animal protein, and always, the base of the dishes are plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds.
If the vegetarian diet attracts you but you are very strict, the flexitarian diet is a good choice if you want to eat healthier.
The advantages of flexitarian diet
Carrying a flexitarian diet can be a good way to introduce healthier foods and reduce others that are not needed on a daily basis, but in addition, here are other advantages of flexitarianism:
- There are no restrictions or prohibitions, so we have a flexible diet that promotes a healthy relationship with food. If we desire to eat flesh, we will eat, while if you want you can take care of our diet predominantly preparing vegetable dishes.
- Protects the environment by reducing meat consumption and thus rejecting the livestock production that both can influence the greenhouse effect and global warming as it has been tested. However, neither food nor breaks overexploited agricultural use chains because the meat will reduce but not eliminate completely.
- There is no risk of food shortages, because as we do not eliminate entire food groups as in veganism for example, we can meet nutritional needs with foods that we consumed before and now only have reduced consumption.
- Allowed to eat in society, something very complex when a vegetarian diet for example takes, as many of the dishes prepared outside the home include animal products. With the flexitarian diet we can eat what we are present at an event or what we want in a restaurant and always have more options to choose from.
- Health care and fitness because a flexitarian diet provides adequate amounts of fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that not only take care of us inside but also outside.
Here are some advantages of flexitarian diet over classical Western diet that predominates today or on the vegetarian diet that many would like to choose but we find strict or complex to carry out.
Since the usual table should not miss fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and other healthy foods, flexitarian diet can help us optimize our diet.
How to sign up to flexitarianism
If the flexitarian diet you find a good choice to eat healthier and take care of your body, you can start from now to follow the rules of this type of food.
The first thing to do to sign up to flexitarianism is to reduce your consumption of meat in general: If you are currently an authentic carnivore and eat red, white fish or meat every day, you can start leaving only one day without meat. For example, on Wednesday completely eliminate meat and choose dishes based on vegetables, legumes and whole grains.
Also, you can change your dishes or how to cook them so that they prevail in vegetables and no meat. So if you ate before a rib eye with roasted potatoes now you can eat a warm salad of potatoes and other vegetables with small pieces of meat or ham.
Gradually you will be increasing the number of meatless days to become a flexitarian beginner who does not exceed 700 grams of meat a week and the other days, you get proteins that feast on eggs and dairy for example.
Some ideas that can help you introduce more vegetables and become flexitarian to eat healthier are adding vegetables to stews prepare hamburgers or breaded vegetables, cereals and / or vegetables several, among other options.
Shital regularly contributes on interesting health articles and healthy living ideas to health blogs around the web. When she’s not busy working with the jobs, you will find her undertaking many of her own health-related topics and healthy living ideas! She has a lot of dreams. She works hard to fulfill her dreams. She loves to share her ideas, tricks, tips and information by blogging. She also works at Creativejasmin.com, a company that committed to helping businesses with online marketing.
Tags: eat healthier, flexitarian diet
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