Nothing is worse than a breakout of zits before a night out. You can avoid pimples by following these tips and adjusting your skin care routine:
Face Wash
Use a face wash that contains salicylic acids. It’s a good way to prevent zits from forming. You can keep your pores clean by using the wash before bedtime and in the morning. Let the wash sit for 60 seconds, then rinse to get the exfoliating effect.
Stay Hydrated
When you’re busy it’s easy not to drink enough, especially during this time of the year when the cold winter is also a factor. Make sure to drink plenty of water for a healthy complexion. Make sure the face cream you use is oil-free to ensure that you get the right amount of hydration without adding any extra oil.
Diet has a major impact on your skin’s health and condition. Did you know up to 80% of the skin’s health is affected by your diet? Vitamin A in fresh fruit and vegetables helps to control the production of dead skin cells. Include eggs, nuts and fish in your diet as they contain healthy oils which nourish the skin and fight pimples. For advice from a Skin Clinic Exeter, visit
Dirty Brushes
You could be spreading bacteria to your face every time you use a make-up brush, even if you have been using it for years. This will not help acne, and may even make your breakouts worse.
Stress causes your body to produce more cortisol, which leads to increased oil production. Stress is not the only cause of adult acne. Poor diet, excessive sun exposure, alcohol, and a hectic lifestyle are also factors. Your skin will thank you for being kind to it.
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